Volunteers & Interns
Our volunteers and interns are critical to the success of our mission.
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Post pandemic: During the school day with any of the following skills: teaching, cooking, childcare to help with our Food UnEarthed Curriculum, Cool School Food in the Classroom, Family & Consumer Sciences Cooking Classes, After School Cooking Classes, and more.
- Chefs who can develop recipes, especially those with quantity cooking skills in high production environments
- Administrative, tech, social media and marketing, PR, recipe development, and other skills
- Medical professionals including MD’s, RD’s, and RN’s to give teacher professional development workshops and talks at Virtual Family Dinner Nights
- Board Members who can help take our organization to the next level (financial commitment required)
- We accept interns for the fall and spring, and occasionally we accept summer interns
- Internships are unpaid
- Internships are for a minimum of 10 hours per week
Please fill out this application* and email it to us (click to choose one): New York City, Ithaca, Other/General.
* Once you open the application, click on the smaller image of it at the bottom left of your screen to open it in Acrobat in order to download it.