Wellness Wakeup Call

Wellness Wakeup Call is “Nutrition Education in the Form of Easy to Digest Sound-Bites”, or “Nutrition Education, One Sound Bite at a Time!” They are written by Registered Dietitians and scientifically based. Wellness Wakeup Call can be read over the PA system each day, read in the classroom, written on the board or projected for elementary students to copy to practice their writing, sent out to parents via text message each day (with encouragement for parents to review with their children – but the parents will also learn), placed on the school district website (with credit), or posted on the school social media each day.

Wellness Wakeup Call comes in two different versions, K-5 and 6-12. The program is a three-year school-year program with a different topic each month. This includes ten months for each year, and 30 topics altogether. At the end of the third year, go back to the first year. Each month contains a healthy plant-based recipe which is intended for families to make together. While some schools send home paper copies of the messages and recipes, schools are now finding more environmentally sensitive ways to get this information to the parents. We find that texting is the easiest way for parents to access the information.

Contact us to get a copy of Wellness Wakeup Call.